Monday, July 25, 2011

Sister Seat-Saver

A little over a week ago I attended a Women’s Pentecostal Camp Meeting at Carmel Assembly.  This is #11 for them.  I have attended all but 2 of the 11 years and each one has been absolutely amazing.  Every year I think “This has been the best one yet, it can’t get any better than this” and every year proves to be even better than the year before.  If you have never been, I encourage you to make arrangements to attend next year!  God shows up in a mighty way and miracles are in the making.  This year the theme was Restoration.  Powerful words, mighty messages, an amazing move of the Holy Spirit.  When you look at the pictures, you will wish you’d have been there too!  Check out this website to purchase CD’s or DVD’s of the services.  You won’t regret it! 

Ok… the reason I am telling you this is because….. Sis. Rese Moore (Pastor’s wife, extraordinaire) made a comment at some point during the weekend about (not) being afraid to get up from your place and move… to the altar or slide over for another lady to have a seat, etc, etc… She said “Ok, now, stop being sister seat-saver”. (I wish you could hear that said in the voice I hear as I type it.)  Well, of course that struck me! :)  Sister Seat-Saver… Now there is a poem in there somewhere.  You guessed it… there certainly was!!!  Here she goes….  “Sister Seat-Saver”

I went to church & walked to a pew
I wanted to sit down;
The lady there just glared at me,
She had an ugly frown.
I asked her if she would mind
If I slid in right there.
She said “Not here, I’m sorry, no
This seat is saved for Claire.”
I said “Ok, thanks anyway,”
And moved on to the next;
The lady there just looked at me,
Her face seemed so perplexed.
I asked if I could sit right there
On the pew right next to her;
She said “I’m sorry, not today
This seat is saved for sure.”
So on I went to the next & the next,
No one would let me in.
I dropped my head & left that church -
Back to a world of sin.
Accepted there I knew I’d be
By those with flair & flavor;
Never to go back to that church
To look at sister seat-saver.
© Copyright 2011 Angela M. Jackson

Take a look at yourselves… how are you treating visitors that come to your church?  Are you welcoming them with open arms, sliding over so they can sit down or moving to a different pew if necessary?  Or is it your 4 and no more?  Yes, the church is there for feeding our Christian souls, but it is also for the lost to come and be saved, a place of refuge not of condemnation because of the way they may look, act, or smell.  It is not up to us to decide who should or shouldn’t be there. (Matthew 7:1-3) Let’s leave that up to the ultimate Judge!!  We are called to win souls for Christ… not push them away!!!  Are you being a “sister seat-saver”? 

Friday, July 8, 2011

Choose Today

Choose you this day whom you will serve.
Will it be God or will you swerve?
He wants your all - your full attention,
And when you speak, His name to mention.
Loyalty is what it all comes down to,
Will it be to Him or what you want to do?
Time alone will be required.
Sacrifices made - you'll be inspired.
God will speak if you'll just listen
People will wonder why your face glistens.
Full of Christ now, what more could there be?
A world full of people who need to see.
They're watching you! Every move you make,
Tell them about God and what’s at stake.
Every one of us - we have our story.
Hopefully it ends with God's grace and glory!
He died for us - that we didn't deserve -
Now choose you this day whom you will serve!
© copyright Angela M. Jackson 2011
Published with Blogger-droid v1.7.2

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Soar like a bird, seek to go higher;
Possibilities are endless when it’s God you desire.
You must leave the nest to reach full potential;
Step from your comfort zone, don’t be so doubtful.
The Lord will show you just where to land;
Then you must listen & take your stand.
God will never, ever let you fall.
He even holds the sparrow, so dainty & small.
So, soar like a bird – don’t be afraid;
The Lord will protect you, He’ll come to your aid.
He’s there as your guide, to lead & direct;
Just stop, look & listen, don’t be circumspect.
Like the bird, He has given us a natural instinct;
To draw nigh to Him, through our prayers we are linked.
We are His children – we are His treasure;
God’s love for us is way beyond measure.
So, soar like a bird, go higher & higher;
Possibilities are endless when it’s God you desire!
© Angela M. Jackson 2011

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Patient Endurance

Hebrews 10:36 (NLT) “Patient endurance is what you need now so you will continue to do God’s will.  Then you will receive all that He has promised.”

This has been a recurring theme in my life over the last few weeks – almost a month now.  Such a hard lesson to learn, but so important to realize.  This is what the Lord gave me yesterday while dwelling on this verse.

Patient endurance is what it takes
For you to find strength to run the race.
This life is full of ups and downs,
But in life with Me you’ll wear a crown.
Focus on Me, give Me your attention.
It’s only My Name that you need to mention.
I’m all you need to make it through,
Just trust in Me for I am the Truth;
I am the Way and I am the Life,
Living with Me does not bring strife
This doesn’t mean you won’t climb a hill -
But I’m always with you – just be still.
Know that I’m God and I’ll carry you through
Whatever storm is attacking you
You must be in My will to receive
The promises I have – simply believe.
You have the strength to run this race,
But patient endurance is what it takes!
© Copyright Angela M. Jackson, 2011

I did a devotional on a call this morning on this very subject.  The call is an amazing time to hear the Word and deliver any prayer requests you might have.  I urge and encourage you to check it out when you get a chance.  If you are unable to call in to participate you can always call in on a playback number and listen to the devotional.  It is called “It’s a New Thing” based on the scripture Isaiah 43:18-19.  The hours for participation are 6 a.m. until 7:30 a.m. Monday through Friday of each week.  The number for participation is 209.647.1000 the pin will be 355106#.  The playback number is 209.647.1999 pin 355106#.  For today’s call (June 29, 2011) you can enter reference #35 at the prompting.  Again, I encourage you to listen to any of the calls, but if you are dealing with things in your life that call for endurance and perseverance, today is for YOU!! 

I pray God’s blessings on you all!  :)

Friday, April 29, 2011

Two-Faced Christian

My daughter said “Mom, will you pray with me?”
I said, “I will, just wait and see!”
”I have a test that’s hard, today”
”I’ll be there in just a minute, okay?”
Off to school to start the day…
”Oh, we almost forgot to pray,
Just give me your hand, we’ll do it real quick.
’Thank you, Jesus, make all knowledge stick’”
”There you go, my sweet little girl.
Now get in there and give it a whirl”

My son comes home and says “Hey Mom,
I don’t feel so good, something is wrong.
Will you pray for me to take it away?”
I said “Of course, but in a minute, okay?”
Off to the Doctor – why is it happening this way?
Once again, we forgot to pray.
”Give me your hand, lets say a quick prayer.
I know the Lord can meet us there.
’Lord, help my son, don’t let him be sick
And thank You for hearing my prayer, real quick’”

My husband comes home and says “bad day.
Would you mind – let’s just pray?”
I said “No problem!  You know I will;
But in a minute, I’m busy still.”
So, we wait to pray and along goes the day
An argument comes and I don’t know what to say.
”Where did this come from?  Why so mad?”
”Because you’re always too busy… it makes me sad”
I realize now, we forgot to pray
And ask the Lord for a better day.
”Give me your hand, we’ll do it real quick”
Then, maybe the anger won’t stick.

Off to church now as a family
To sing praise and worship to our King.
I lift my hands and begin to pray.
How am I doing?  Is this the right way?

My husband and children look and see
The preacher preach and they look at me.
What is she doing when he asks her to pray?
She gets up and does it…. right away!
But what about us?  Can’t she do that at home?
Why do we have to plead and moan?

A TWO-FACED CHRISTIAN – she is just that!
Out there she can… but at home, she can’t.

Dear Lord,  help me today to be what you have called me to be.  A Godly wife and mother.  I don’t ever want to be too busy that I don’t show my husband and children that church is the only place to pray with fervency or that the world’s problems are more important than theirs.  I want them to see me as a woman who seeks after YOU at all times and is never too busy to stop what I am doing to pray for a need they have, right now!  Lord, let me be the light that shines for YOU – not just in the world or at church, but to my family first and foremost.  Don’t let them view me as a “Christian” out there, but not at home.  Don’t let me be a TWO-FACED CHRISTIAN. 
Now, please do NOT misunderstand what I am saying about “quick” prayers.  Those are definitely necessary at times.  This is all about the business of life… we, I, do not take the time at home I should to minister to my family first… God, husband, children…. others.  This is how HE called us to prioritize our relationships.  When this is in the right order, things fall into place as they should and your family doesn't feel you are too busy to see and hear them.  BUSY = Being Under Satan's Yoke

"TWO-FACED CHRISTIAN" is a poem by Angela M. Jackson, owner of this blog.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Do Not Worry! Be Joyful in trials. :)

Let me help you through this day.  The challenges you face are far too great for you to handle alone.  You are keenly aware of your helplessness in the scheme of events you face.  This awareness opens up a choice:  to doggedly go it alone or to walk with Me in humble steps of dependence.  Actually, this choice is continually before you, but difficulties highlight the decision making process.  So consider it all joy whenever you are enveloped in various trials.  These are gifts from Me, reminding you to rely on Me alone. 
Psalm 63:7-8; James 1:2-3; 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
(This passage is from the book Jesus Calling)
After the question, “who or what shall separate us from the love of God” & several suggestions of hardships & difficulties were listed – Paul says Romans 8:37-39 this:  “No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.  For I am convinced – persuaded – am not backing up from, neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons – or anyone on this earth in between, neither the present nor the future – or worrying about either one, nor ANY powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us – deter us – make our thinking sway – or stop us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (I added words for emphasis so that we clearly know how deep our commitment must be for Him and His love for us!  He makes us “super victors” in all things – helping us overcome all obstacles as we hand them off to Him – realizing that the perfecting of another ones faith is NOT IN OUR POWER!!!)
(This is from ANGIE KNIGHT, giving my Word for the day)
(The following is from Tiffany Stuart, precious soul!  From Tea with Tiffany… a word given to her a few days before now… Actually on March 3rd)
The Stop, Look and Listen Girl is at it again. For those of you who don’t know that’s my nickname. God speaks to me through what I see and hear, if and when I look and listen. I often capture a picture of His message and share it online. This week’s message was loud and clear.
On Tuesday while I ran errands, I felt compelled to turn around and drove a mile in the opposite direction to find this semi truck. I needed a picture of this rocking chair because God was speaking.
First I remembered this quote: “Worry is like a rocking chair–it gives you something to do but it doesn’t get you anywhere.”
Back n’ forth. Back n’ forth. Back n’ forth.
My worry wasn’t getting me anyway, except more stressed.
Then God gently reminded me of His Word.
Do not worry…
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV)
To read more of this post from Tiffany click here
(The following was a text from my dear friend, Vanessa… sent to my cell phone on March 3rd… sound familiar??)
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:25-27 (NIV)
Has God ever spoken to you through various sources all at the same time?  Maybe HE was trying to get your attention… I certainly know he was getting mine!!  I have never had a tendency toward worry… but God showed me differently!  He pointed it out to me over & over & over & over again.  I am learning, slowly but surely, that I can’t depend on anyone or anything but HIM!!!!  He will always take care of me, no matter what the situation. 
How about you??  Are you putting your full faith and trust in HIM?  Or are you spending your days rocking with worry?? 

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Third Strand

I was in the bedroom, just cleaning up a bit.  It pushed me.  I didn’t fall, but I was definitely caught off guard – lost my balance even.  I didn’t see anything there – I was alone.  Or was I?  Not then, not now.  I continued cleaning up, still a little rattled at what had just occurred.  It pushed me again.  This time a little harder with a little more force.  “What are you doing?  Leave me alone!”  I almost fell to the floor.  Darkness.  Heaviness.  Evil.  Pure evil.  I left the bedroom.  I was astounded at my experience, baffled.  My friend came over for a visit.  She sat waiting on the couch while I returned to the bedroom for a moment.   An all out attack.  It came at me FULL FORCE.  It pulled my feet right out from under me.  I was hanging – in mid air – upside down.  My head was almost touching the floor.  I couldn’t move, I couldn’t fight back.  Not from this position.  I was completely helpless.  “Scream, call out for help”, I thought.  SHE will hear you and help.  I started to call out… but only for a second.  It took my voice away.  I couldn’t even scream for help.  But she heard me… for that split second, she heard me.  She came running.  Walking in to find my predicament.  She fought for me – I couldn’t fight – so she fought for me!!  Calling on the Almighty Name of JESUS…. HE fought for me. 

I have another friend, the three of us have been woven together, by the hand of our Mighty Maker.  Woven together for such a time as THIS!!  We are each one of three strands.  Together we have the power of 3.  We can fight anything as long as we are together (with Christ in the center)!  Ecclesiastes 4:12 says “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves.  A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”  The power of 3… The FATHER, the SON, the, HOLY SPIRIT.  This cord won’t be broken!  Darkness can never live where there is light!!!

Do you have the power of THREE?? 

(This was actually a dream I had several nights ago…)

Friday, January 28, 2011


When I look up, I see You...
When I look below, I see You, too.
You're everywhere.
You're in the trees blowing in the wind,
You're in a card received from a friend.
You're everywhere.
You're in the smile on a stranger's face,
You're in the church - a holy place.
You're everywhere.
You're in the butterfly taking flight,
You are peace on a dark and scary night.
You're everywhere.
You're in a child's innocent song,
You're in the tough guy - big and strong.
You're everywhere.
You're in a mother's gentle touch,
You're in the elderly as death they clutch.
You're everywhere.
You're in the animals playing in the forest,
You're in the choir's boastful chorus.
You're everywhere.
You're found in nature - listen and hear
All I have to do is lend my ear.
You're everywhere.
You're in the colors of the art on the wall,
You're in a bunny on the shelf at the mall.
You're everywhere.
You're in the heart carved into my eye shadow,
You fill a life that seems so hollow.
You're everywhere.

What about you?  Have you seen HIM too?
Just look around, He's not far from you.... because