Friday, June 27, 2014
Happy 90th to MY PAPAW!
They say a good man is hard to find,
But this one here is one-of-a-kind.
The dearest man you'll ever meet,
A smile he gives to all he greets.
He has lived his life serving the Lord,
His daily routine includes reading God's Word.
An encouraging word he always offers,
In his walk with the Lord, he does not falter.
His love for his family is undeniable,
You can never accuse him of being unreliable.
A perfect husband to his one true love,
And she, his angel sent from above.
Knowledgeable and wise is this man indeed,
He doesn't hesitate giving to those in need.
He can find the good in anyone,
Not a single person would he ever shun.
He has been blessed with things here on earth,
But all that you see is not all that he's worth.
The riches in Glory he has waiting on him
Can not even be held by a Seraphim.
A lifetime of trials he's had to endure,
But his heart has remained flawless and pure.
A living example of God's perfect love,
This man is OUR angel sent from above.
If I picked him myself, I couldn't have picked better
For all of my problems, he has the answer.
He'll say "keep looking up baby, trust in the Lord.
You'll find what you need by reading the Word".
He has led us by example, his family -
We are all proud to be branches on this family tree!
This one-of-a-kind man from Arkansas,
He is the greatest! He is the finest! And he is MY Papaw!!!
Papaw - you are my absolute heart!! I love you so very much and was proud to have the opportunity to spend your 90th birthday with you. I'll never be able to express how much you mean to me with words - but I hope my actions have given you some idea. You will forever be my NUMBER ONE!!! I love you THE MOST!!
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Trust Your Struggle
The struggle is real, the struggle is now,
It doesn’t ease up, right over you it plows,
The struggle is hard, the struggle is tough,
It takes you to the point where you’ve had quite enough.
The struggle won’t cease, the struggle you bear,
It will carry on until your life it ensnares.
The struggle is rugged, the struggle is mighty,
It’s overtaking and quite frankly appalling.
The struggle is daunting, the struggle intimidates,
It makes you feel like you’re wearing weights.
The struggle terrifies, the struggle disheartens,
It knocks you down and your heart it bludgeons.
The struggle is fear, the struggle is frustration,
It causes anxiety and unceasing trepidation.
The struggle agitates, the struggle alarms,
It renders you helpless and your will it disarms.
But… the struggle is vital, the struggle is needed,
It strips you down until you’re no longer impeded.
The struggle has meaning, the struggle has purpose,
It will keep you grounded so as not to get pompous.
The struggle has significance, the struggle has reason,
It strikes up a fire and ignites a new passion.
The struggle brings spirit, the struggle brings spunk,
It will remind you of these when you get in a funk.
The struggle brings guts, the struggle brings grit,
It gives you a boldness that you can’t counterfeit.
The struggle brings power, the struggle brings fortitude,
It is etched in your mind and on your heart it’s tattooed.
The struggle brings nerve, the struggle brings endurance,
And although it seems so, it’s not such a hindrance.
The struggle brings openness, the struggle brings honesty,
It gives you a strength and overwhelming tenacity.
The struggle brings security, the struggle brings determination,
All of your will, your desire, and your purpose it beckons.
The struggle, you see, is a difficult journey,
But it brings from the ashes a new kind of beauty.
Out of the struggle your character will build,
And the lessons you learn will be carefully instilled.
So where ever you’re going and where ever you’ve been,
You must trust your struggle to the very end.
Monday, February 10, 2014
It Is Well
It mattered not her son was dead.
She closed the door and believed with faith,
Her son would live, not just his wraith.
"Take me to the man of God"
She mounted her horse and traveled the sod.
Elisha was found and she did explain.
He comforted her, he did not disdain.
Back to her home they traveled again,
Their prayers not yet allowing an amen.
He went upstairs where the body lay,
Elisha again began to pray.
He laid himself upon the boy
And prayers again he did employ.
Elisha paced the room around
But the boys life was still unfound.
He laid upon him one more time,
As if the first were a paradigm.
Life retuned, the boy did breathe,
His life, from death, it was unsheathed.
This mother, on death, she did not dwell -
All she said was "It is well".
My life experienced a form of death.
At times I couldn't even catch my breath.
A woman of God, she came to me -
She told me things I could not see.
"Pick up your head and look above
That is where you'll find true love.
Have faith my dear, do not despair,
Temptations in life, you must forbear.
The Lord, your God, will lead the way -
You must take it day by day".
Although I listened, I may not have heard
And clear-cut lines I sometimes blurred.
This life is hard and the things unseen
We often ridicule and even demean.
Our faith, it tends to fade with time
When life proves itself less than sublime.
Life's not always easy, more often it's not,
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't do what we ought.
Find faith again and live by that!
Teach it to the ones whom you begat.
The future, of course, we can't foretell,
But we can live life knowing that "It is well"!
2 Kings 4:8-37 NASB