Friday, January 28, 2011


When I look up, I see You...
When I look below, I see You, too.
You're everywhere.
You're in the trees blowing in the wind,
You're in a card received from a friend.
You're everywhere.
You're in the smile on a stranger's face,
You're in the church - a holy place.
You're everywhere.
You're in the butterfly taking flight,
You are peace on a dark and scary night.
You're everywhere.
You're in a child's innocent song,
You're in the tough guy - big and strong.
You're everywhere.
You're in a mother's gentle touch,
You're in the elderly as death they clutch.
You're everywhere.
You're in the animals playing in the forest,
You're in the choir's boastful chorus.
You're everywhere.
You're found in nature - listen and hear
All I have to do is lend my ear.
You're everywhere.
You're in the colors of the art on the wall,
You're in a bunny on the shelf at the mall.
You're everywhere.
You're in the heart carved into my eye shadow,
You fill a life that seems so hollow.
You're everywhere.

What about you?  Have you seen HIM too?
Just look around, He's not far from you.... because