Have you ever been given a lesson in self discipline? I am on the journey now to understand what that really means. I have been following the Living Proof Ministries blog, by Beth Moore, for a while now. Just now getting really into it... I love her. She is so vibrant, full of energy and the best part, so in love with GOD!!! Her heart is for women of all shapes, sizes, ethnicity... doesn't matter. She just loves women and wants women to love God and experience HIM the way she does! She is doing the Siesta's Scripture Memorization Team... it is a "team" of of ladies who follow her blog and if you choose you can jump on board and memorize 24 verses in the following year... that is going to take discipline! Click on the Living Proof Ministries blog link to find out more...
Anyway... back to self discipline. I have to say this is NOT a strong point in my life! I do NOT practice it on a daily basis to very much extent. I tend to blame everything around me for the CHAOS in my life. It is crazy, lazy & just plain ridiculous. I constantly feel completely overwhelmed with daily tasks that should just come so easy to me. Work is my refuge from cleaning my house and my house is my refuge from work, but who wants to be in a house that is a mess?! I get so overwhelmed just walking in my door that I give up before I even get started. So, the cycle continues!!
My weaknesses... I do not clean my house the way it should be done. (Therefore, if any of you were planning a visit, please call first. Let me at least throw it all in a closet so it appears to be clean and it appears that I have it all together! *grin*) I do not tend to my family in the proper way. Don't get me wrong here... my family is well fed, well clothed and well taken care of. What I mean by this is that I do not give them my undivided attention in the time they need it. I am usually too busy stressing over what needs to be done that I snap at them to leave me alone for now... we will talk about it later. This will lead to no talking at all in the days, months, years to come! I definitely don't want that!! The last I will mention is (well, not, by any means, the last weakness I have, just the last I will mention today) my walk with Christ. I am so BUSY (Being Under Satan's Yolk) with life and the stresses of life that I forget to take the time where it is needed most... in daily reading of God's Word and in appointed prayer time.
Really, if I could just remember that it is God who gave me this life (although it is I who has messed it up), He will be faithful to me if I will be faithful to HIM. I must spend that appointed time with God and hear what He has to say to me today (and it must be appointed, otherwise you will lose your day and realize that you didn't have "time" to spend today). I must listen and not do all of the talking. I must put that FIRST in my life, then allow HIM to work the rest of it out. When I show self discipline in my relationship with Him, then self discipline will follow in the other areas of my life.
This is not an easy lesson to learn. It hurts and it's not fun, by any means!! But, for life to run smoothly, even in the midst of a bumpy ride, self discipline is a MUST!! Christ in your life is a MUST!! Otherwise, it's just a world of chaos.
Dear Lord, I pray for self discipline for this coming year. I have practiced laziness far too long. I want to be dependent solely on YOU, Lord. I need the energy to complete daily tasks without feeling completely overwhelmed. Help me take it step by step and not feel that it has to ALL be completed RIGHT NOW. I am asking You for self discipline in my walk with You, daily reading Your Word & spending appointed time in prayer. Self discipline in my eating habits, I want to live a healthier lifestyle. Self discipline in keeping my house clean, Lord… You know how much I struggle with this one!! Self discipline in tending to my family when and how they need tending to. I thank You, Precious Lord, right now for giving me the mind strength I need to accomplish great things in the coming year & not to feel completely overwhelmed. I love You, Sweet Lord!! In Your name I pray. Amen
On a side note, it is good to be back! I have been gone from posting far too long. I hope to continue to listen as God speaks to me and share with you the words He gives me!!
Oh and if you are one of those who throws things in the closet when company is coming, please don't live in CHAOS anymore. Click here and find out how!!